Cambia formato il Mondiale Donne

Cambio nelle formule di alcuni tornei iridati. Lo ha annunciato ieri la WBSC

“La pandemia ci ha costretto a ripensare i nostri eventi, innovare ed essere più efficienti con la pianificazione dei tornei”, ha detto il presidente della federazione mondiale Riccardo Fraccari.

La Coppa del Mondo di baseball femminile (e tutte le Coppe del Mondo di softball) si giocheranno con cadenza quadriennale, simile al Premier12, istituendo un calendario di competizioni più equilibrato ed efficiente per queste categorie. Le Coppe del Mondo di Baseball U-12, U-15, U-18 e U-23 continueranno invece con un ciclo biennale fino al 2029 e manterranno lo stesso formato.

Il Comitato Esecutivo della WBSC ha approvato un nuovo e innovativo format in particolare per la Coppa del Mondo di Baseball femminile chiamato ‘Two-Stage World Cup’. “Questo nuovo sistema aiuterà a mitigare la crisi economica che il mondo sta affrontando, fornendo maggiori opportunità per le squadre di partecipare così come per più città di essere in grado di ospitare eventi WBSC”, ha aggiunto il presidente Fraccari. “Le ‘Finali’ saranno un prodotto di gran lunga superiore, con costi inferiori per gli organizzatori e una competizione più intensa in meno giorni”.

Qui, nel dettaglio la nuova formula così come comunicata dalla WBSC.

WBSC Baseball World Cups new competition format

1. Single stage World Cups (remain in 2-year cycle)

U-12 Baseball World Cup
U-15 Baseball World Cup
U-18 Baseball World Cup
U-23 Baseball World Cup

2. Two-Stage World Cup (changes to a 4-year cycle)

Women’s Baseball World Cup

    • Women’s Baseball World Cup – Group Stage
    • Women’s Baseball World Cup – Finals

2.1 New 4-year cycle

    • Year 1 – Continental Qualifiers
    • Year 2 – World Cup – Group Stage
    • Year 3 – World Cup – Finals
    • Year 4 – Off year

2.2 World Cup – Group Stage, Participating Teams & Continental Quota

Twelve (12) participating Teams as follows:

    • Americas – 4
    • Asia – 4
    • Europe – 1
    • Oceania – 1
    • Host / Wild Card: 2*

NOTE: All teams must go through the Continental Qualification tournament/system as established by the Continental Confederation.  

2.2.1 Competition format for GROUP STAGE

    • Two (2) groups of six (6) teams;
    • Each group to be hosted at a different location;
    • Six (6) competition days in one venue needed to complete the round robin and qualification round (5-6 games per team);

*Wild Card designation criteria for GROUP STAGE:

    • Criteria: One Wild Card spot is secured for each host country. If, however, one or more hosts are among the qualified teams, an open request process will be used for Executive Board evaluation and decision.

2.2.2 Qualification process to FINALS

    • The top two (2) Teams from each group of the Group Stage will advance to the World Cup Finals; and
    • Two (2) Wild Card** Teams will also advance to the World Cup Finals.

**Wild Card criteria for FINALS is as follows:

    • Criterion 1: One Wild Card spot secured for the host country.
    • Criterion 2: If the World Cup Finals HOST country is among the qualified teams, both 3rd place teams from each group of the Group Stage qualify for the World Cup Finals. If this criterion does not settle it, then the next criterion will be used;
    • Criterion 3: If the World Cup Finals host country is NOT among the qualified teams, the top 3rd place team in the Group Stage based on final standings from the previous World Cup edition will obtain the remaining Wild Card spot for the World Cup Finals. If this criterion does not settle it (for example, if none of the 3rd place finishers participated in the last World Cup), then the next criterion will be used; and
    • Criterion 4: The top 3rd place team in the Group Stage based on the highest position in the WBSC Rankings at the end of the previous calendar year qualify for the World Cup Finals.

2.3 Competition format for World Cup FINALS

Six (6) teams participating:

    • The top two Teams from each group of the GROUP STAGE plus two Wild Cards*;
    • One group of six Teams in a single location; and
    • Six competition days in one venue needed to complete the round robin and finals (5-6 games per team).

3. Calendar Changes in Two-Stage Formats

Women’s Baseball World Cup:

    • New format first cycle to start in 2022 (Continental Qualifier), with World Cup Group Stage in 2023 and World Cup Finals in 2024.
    • Skipping a year off in the first cycle to fit the event into a regular cycle. Hence scheduling Continental Qualifier in 2025, World Cup Group Stage in 2026 and World Cup Finals in 2027, with a year off in 2028 to close the regular cycle.

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